Friday 7 June 2024

Friday June 7th

MrDs surgery went very well. It was quite amazing really. It was done virtually.. with the surgeon at a keyboard directing a machine. It all seemed very “Star Trek” and seems fitting that his doctor was called McCoy!
I was able to watch his progress on a screen in the waiting room and I must say the hospital staff were very good and kept me informed... but it was still a relief when the surgeon came out and told me that everything had gone well, he was in recovery and I could go see him
He woke up laughing and joking.. and was able to leave hospital an hour later.. But the hour and a half journey home made him tired and nauseous. Our neighbour came out and helped get him out of the car and into the house... but within the hour MrD was fast asleep in bed.

Hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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