Friday 25 March 2022

What a Disaster...

 So ends our final day of the family visit... we spent it at home..talking..hugging...laughing
and I admit I have a heavy  heart
As well as the kids going home... we got back to a bit of a disaster in the garden
All my beautiful seedlings that had been growing so well have been destroyed 
and there's virtially nothing left
The sprinklers worked well..but something has eaten all the spinach, radishes, beets, turnips and peas
and I think the culprits were the beautiful birds that have been gracing our garden.
Im so sad...on so many levels. At least I can replant..

But Im going to miss the kids so much

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. So sorry about your garden :( So sorry too your family had to return to their home! I know you'll treasure the memories made and count down the days until you get to see them again in person!


  2. I'm sorry about your garden. That's such a bummer.
    Good byes are so hard! Glad you had that time together.
