Thursday 17 March 2022

Happy Birthday Grandpa...

Today we celebrated MrDs birthday with a surprise birthday breakfast party.. 
complete with a cake.. 
and lots of cards and gifts
which of course Little Miss helped to open..

and he seemed pleased at what he had been given.
As a treat we spent the day at Knotts Berry Farm..
a fun packed theme park..
which everyone enjoyed...
including Daddy...
and ever the fashion icon...Little Miss chose her own face paint design.
At the end of the visit we called in the Build A Bear workshop 
and let our Little Miss choose her own stuffed animal...a cat she has named Rainbow
MrD and I recorded our voices.. and kissed the heart before she placed it inside.. so she will have our love with her and can hear us whenever she wants. I must admit I shed a tear as I realized that time with us was short and it would be quite a while til we would be together again
This little girl has taken a piece of our hearts.. and we will miss her and her mummy very much…. and we have yet to meet our grandson… who is just a couple of months younger than our Little Miss.

Guess who didn’t think things through to grandbabies when she moved to the US

Time to start saving for a trip to the UK

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

1 comment:

  1. I love Knott's Berry Farm (really over Disneyland too). So many fun things to do there! A fun day indeed you and your family had! I know what you mean about grandchildren. That is why we endure the heat of living in Phoenix so we can be close by to ours!

