Monday, 8 October 2018

Whats For Dinner ~ Meal Plan Monday

Good Morning and Happy Monday.! Its 2.30 am, our morning prayer is done and MrD has just left for work. Once I  finish this coffee my day will start. I have a busy one planned

The weather is cooler but the rain forecast for last week didnt arrive...and there's none on the horizon for this week either. Still, its perfect weather for my morning I will get out there early and call in the Farmers market on the way home. I would like to get some bell peppers to dehydrate if they are reasonably priced.

I have a craft I want to finish today..then my Fall decor will be complete.. my Fall apron has to be done and I need to work on a Christmas gift I started. My hands are pretty bad right now. I had Carpul Tunnel surgery years ago and was told I might need it done again in about twenty years. Well times up..its been 22 and the the numbness, aching and spasms have returned. Its a real 'pain' trying to hold a needle. I see my doctor on the 23rd and we shall see what he has to say

With day planned at another craft fair with friends on Wednesday, ladies Bible studay at church on Thursday and a trip to the DMV on Friday (oh joy!!) its going to be a full...but enjoyable week

Most of the meals on this weeks plan are MrDs requests.. so..

 Have  a great week... and here's whats on the dinner menu for the next few days

Weekly Plan - 8th October 2018
Monday             Chicken and Vegetable Stir Fry

Tuesday             Enchiladas

Wednesday        Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Corn


Thurkey Burgers, Coleslaw

Saturday            Day Out with Hubby

Sunday               Chicken. Roasted Potatoes, Carrot and Parsip Mash


  1. Your menu sounds delicious... good enough to pay for!! You do have a busy week! Hope you get some good news from the doctor later this month. Even if surgery is required, at least you know you will feel better!!

  2. I love how you keep to the same schedule as your husband! Happy Monday!

  3. Hi Pheobe!

    You do have a busy week planned! I love that you can walk to the farmer's market, how wonderful!

    I really like your weekly menus, they are so doable, and sound delicious. I always need inspiration when it comes to cooking for two, and your meal plans can easily accommodate that. Thank your for sharing!

    I will pray that your doctor can help with the pain in your hands, that's just not fun.

    Hugs and Love,

  4. I like how MrD actually gives you requests for meals. My DH always says 'whatever' when I ask him what I should make. I run out of ideas fast.
