Friday, 4 October 2024

Digging and Growing....

So after going to work at midnight and working ten hours...
MrD and his friend were back working in the back garden
but when the temps hit 104 they called it a day...
Meanwhile.. I checked out the Victory Garden...
I thought it was over...but since the rodent problem was solved...
we have lots of tomatoes growing again... 
both big...
and small.
We have bell peppers...
lots of Jalapenos
and even strawberries!

I must say... I dont think I will ever get used to the California growing season!

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. In the thumbnail that looks like a dolphin on wheels! πŸ˜€

  2. Mr D is tough!
    Your garden looks amazing.

  3. Working outside in that heat sounds almost dangerous.
    How great that you're enjoying those tomatoes and other veggies againπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  4. Great to see you still have tomatoes in your environs! Tomatoes are rich sources of folate, vitamin C, iron and potassium.
    I have heard of chestnuts, pomegranates and mushrooms in October, but not of strawberries πŸ˜€πŸ‚πŸ“
    Have a nice Sunday!

  5. You have some very hard workers there. I love all the goodness that you have in these pictures. Tomatoes, peppers, even strawberries. My grandson and his family will be leaving California this week, after being stationed there for the past 5 years. New adventures! Each time we visited them, we were so impressed with the growing seasons (which seems constantly) and the gorgeous produce. Can't beat fresh veggies! Enjoy your day..

  6. such hard work in such high temps yikes. your gardens look like they are still producing.
