Sunday 25 August 2024

Sunday August 25th

Mr D was not feeling too good this morning so we had to give church a miss... but it is a blessing to be able to watch it live on line. We are studying Abraham. and its such an interesting lesson... I would be disappointed to miss it
Mr D took it easy for the day...for which Im glad about as I feel he is spreading himself too thin. There never seems to be enough hours in the day for him... but I am encouraging him to slow down a bit.
So.. being a slower day.. I managed to finish a couple of hearts...
we watched a favourite movie..
and of course Face Timed the grandbabies
With a tasty Enchilada dish for dinner.. we both felt refreshed and with our batteries recharged... are ready to start another busy week at the Blue House..

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x

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