Well..it rained in March.... and drizzled for a few seconds in October.
I was wondering if we would get rain again this year.
but it hailed.
Great big.. beautiful hailstones! Like these on my friends veggie patch.
And its cold... Los Angeles cold.. not Uk cold.. but I can see my breath when I talk.
and replaced by an amazing rainbow.
At least it feels like winter now...
Love and Hugs
Phoebe x
Almost sounds like Kansas weather lol, never know what it's going to do here either. It's absolutely pouring rain right now and has been since the middle of last night. Now why couldn't we have had this in July and August when it was so dry! We thought there would be snow today, but it all stayed north of us. But doggone, it sure is cold brrrrr!! Be blessed and stay warm, Phoebe!