Friday, 2 December 2016

The Tale of MY Christmas Nativity....

For years I always wanted a Nativity Scene.  But I was incredibly picky as the faces on the figures had to be just right. I had so much trouble finding one...and if I did it was far too expensive for my means. I kinda gave up...although every Christmas I would go looking...but always ended up disappointed.
Until, that is, this past summer. when MrD and I were at a massive Swap Meet in Orange County. Time was getting was late in the day and many stalls were packing up . As we were leaving we passed a table with a just a few items remaining. I glanced over...and there it was!! 
Neatly packed in a styrofoam box was THE prettiest Nativity Set...and they all had lovely faces!
I fell in love. But the price said $25. I asked if I could look at it and the elderly gentleman was all too pleased to show me...and he said if I wanted it I could have it for $10. It was new with no chips or bits missing. It was and easy decision.
MrD loved it too...and gave the man the full $25...wishing him a very Happy early Christmas. It was like it was meant to be. I carried it home carefully and placed it in a safe eager anticipation of the Christmas to come 
I had great pleasure putting it out today. At last I have my treasured Nativity. As I placed the Baby Jesus in the centre of the scene was a reminder to place Him in the centre of my life everyday. And..after the festivities are ended and the Nativity is put away.. He will continue to live in our home all year long

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. Oh Phoebe - it really is pretty! And so are your words aout keeping Jesus at the center.

  2. Beautiful Nativity, Phoebe, and beautiful thoughts. I have a lovely wooden stable which my father made years ago, but the Nativity figures I have are very unattractive. You found a truly beautiful set. What a blessing!

  3. A lovely gentle Nativity scene. It's hard to find a perfect one nowadays.

  4. What a pretty Nativity set you found. I'm so glad for you.
    We have one set that we bought over 40 years ago and every year we've had it out. It's been handled by children and grandchildren and still hasn't been chipped or damaged in any way. I know what you mean about the faces having to be just right. So many do NOT. Have a wonderful Christmas season ( I just know you will because you have such a positive attitude).

  5. So sweet they are. They do have lovely faces I can see why you wanted it. So sweet to that you payed the man the full price both of you were blessed.
