Tuesday 6 November 2018

"Remember....Remember... The Fifth of November!"

Well the mammogram seemed to go well. I should get the results in a couple of days..but Im not worried. When we got home we were greeted by the amazing aroma of the beef stew in the slow cooker. That...served with homemade Herb Beer Bread... was real comfort food. Its the kind of meal I would have served back in the Uk...especially in a day like yesterday.. Bonfire Night
We dont celebrate that here in the US.. not surprising really. It commemorates the day back in 1605 when Guy Fawkes was part of a plot who tried...and happily failed.. to kill King James 1 by planting 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellars of Londons Houses of Parliament..  He was discovered before he could egnite  the explosion
He did not come to a happy end...in fact it was rather gruesome.  He was tortured into confession, tried, hung and quartered. His body parts were then distributed to "the four corners of the kingdom", to be displayed as a warning to other would-be traitors
Since then.. every year on November 5th .. the very night that the Gunpowder Plot was foiled...
bonfires have been  set alight to celebrate the safety of the King. The event is commemorated with fireworks and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes
Of course..as the years have passed... we children didn't really know of what happened to Guy Fawkes after his capture. We were more concerned in making our own effigies and parading him around the streets for all to see and asking "Penny for the guy" We then used the money to buy fireworks...and delicious treacle toffee which we devoured while watching him burn on the bonfire.
My grandchildren had a wonderful time this year. 
Little H went to a big display with Daddy..
Little Miss watched the fireworks from the warmth of 
the Senior Citizen Home where her Mummy works... 
even tho she really wanted to stay outside!
But Little Pickle is too young to venture out on a cold, damp night...
 so Mummy created his own little firework display..
And he loved it!!

Love and Hugs
Phoebe x


  1. I remember learning about Guy Fawkes in school, he came to a gruesome end for sure. Your grands are adorable!

  2. That’s fascinating! Your grand babies are so precious!
    And good for you in getting your mammogram done. Routine is a good word and I hope your results are normal. I’m getting a colonoscopy on the 19th and will be glad to get that over with!

  3. I don't think I knew anything about Guy Fawkes before reading your post. I guess having a bonfire and fireworks is a good way to remember what happened so long ago.

  4. I have always heard of Guy Fawkes Day but didn't know the origin. Thanks for the history lesson! Adorable kiddos!! The beef stew looks delicious!

  5. I learned about Guy Fawkes when living in Scotland.
    Oh Little Miss crying pulled at my heart strings!

  6. I have heard of Guy Fawkes, but never knew the story. That was really interesting. Cute little darlings!
