Wednesday 5 April 2017

Lucky Girl

Ive said it before...and I will say it again..I have a brilliant hubby. He works 3am to 3.30pm and Im so lucky that he only works 5 mins away. He came home on his 6am break to make me breakfast in bed... an over easy egg on an English muffin...then again on his 9am "lunch" break to accompany me on my two lap walk... and make sure I had my lunch prepared. He is an absolute star... and I am totally blessed

I am actually doing very pain..just everything pulling together. Im a bit bored and am itching to do bit of housework..but I wont. We go to see the surgeon tomorrow and Im going to find out exactly what I can and cant do. I am getting a few mixed messages from my different medical outlets...walk this dont walk that far....yes you can do that.. no you cant do that. It will be good to know

Also tomorrow we are picking up the wheelchair for our fun filled fortnight. I am so excited that in two more days Miss C and Mr P will be here. 

Our plans are in full swing and tonight MrD will be booking the hotel for our overnight stay in Las Vegas. Cant wait!

Love and Hugs 
Phoebe x


  1. What a wonderful hubby! The roses are beautiful!

  2. Still catching up and I'm loving what I'm reading!
